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Perinatal Counselling

E V E R Y   C H I L D   D E S E R V E S   A   H A P P Y   P A R E N T


I am well aware of the external pressures placed on families, and especially on women, in connection with becoming and being a parent.  Or not being one.  And also, there are the internal pressures we may place on ourselves.


I understand the dimension and complexity of these issues and I can help you through:


Parenthood planning & preparation

Fertility counselling



Adjustment to parenthood


I   A M   U S E D   T O   S E E I N G   P E O P L E   W I T H   T H E S E   C O N C E R N S :


Motivation and readiness for becoming a parent

Fertility issues and assisted conception

Coping with medically assisted reproduction (MAR)

Reproductive choices

Unexpected fetal, neonatal or infant outcomes

Birth experiences

Antenatal and postnatal depression and anxiety

Difficulties feeling bonded with your child

Feeling overwhelmed, irritable or guilty as a parent

Cross-cultural parenting, expats parenting & raising third-culture children

Any parenting outside of societal expectations

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